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Libros – TOVPIL

Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

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Offers a detailed contribution to those readers that want to initiate or recuperate the experience of God and to those others that yearn to advance in the fathomless mystery of God.

Recurso 7

Leads the reader to the real image of the Mother of Jesus.  Everything that is definitive is found in silence. Silence has been the trademark of Mary’s personality, and in her case, it signified availability and receptivity,

Recurso 1

Addressed, above all, to religious who live in community. It is also written for all those Christians that in different ways are integrated into community groups: Faith Base Communities, youth groups, gatherings of lay people…


This is a biography of St. Francis of Assisi.  Its pages are filled with excellent guidelines for men and women of today who want, like Francis, to deepen their prayer life and service to our neighbors.


To suffer with overflowing hands, here is the mystery of human existence!  Suffering that naturally nobody has asked for, nor called for, but that is there like a shadow beside us.


This is a prayer handbook. It is concise and contains a great variety of prayers for every circumstance or emergency which life may bring. It offers diverse methods of relating to God …

Recurso 8

Psalms for Life has as its intent to help the reader to comprehend that lengthy dialogue of man with God and of God with man; to comprehend the concrete situations into which we are born, …


The Poor One of Nazareth is an original creation that offers the reader a rich and varied documental, historiccal and doctrinal information, without leaving out elements of fiction, strictly based on the documentation of the New Testament.


Throughout the four chapters of this book (Beginnings and Contrasts of Prayer; Purification and Penitential Ascension; Towards the Encounter; Prayer and Life) Ignacio Larrañaga describes the diverse phases of the journey towards God.


Is a book on spirituality written for the use of the Guides of Prayer and Life Workshops with the title of Life and Style of the Guides.


In these pages, Father Ignacio Larrañaga, gives us the great richness of his personal history with God.


Father Ignacio Larrañaga has compiled in this book a selection of his own texts for each day of the year. His profound knowledge of human nature, of the causes of restlessness and suffering …

Recurso 6

Every shared life is subject to wear and tear.  Love, as a human feeling that it is, has a fleeting character; the passage of life attacks and lessens love’s charm:


This is a summary of the book From Suffering to Peace. It is written in simple language, direct and easy to read. It contains practical orientations …


The Forces of Decadence is a continuation and a complement to the book From Suffering to Peace, one of Ignacio Larrañaga’s books that has been translated into many languages and is available in many countries.


This Treatise of Prayer wants to offer an efficient aid to those who want to initiate a relationship with the Lord and recover the enchantment with God, and those who desire to advance: into the depth of the ocean, …


This conmemorative book narrates the life of Father Ignacio Larrañaga from its beginnings; it is the celebration of his 50 years of priesthood.