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Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

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Those who are loved will love in return

Those who are loved cannot help but to love. Only the free can liberate; the free always set others free.

Those who sow the seeds of strife at home or at work, are the cause of distress and pain for others because they are in constant conflict with themselves.


The Prayer and Life Workshops (PLW) are a new form of EVANGELIZATION. More ALIVE and with a POSITIVE vision. It’s a more vibrant and active presentation of Jesus, which possesses a greater ADAPTATION to the necessities of TODAY’S SOCIETY and what people really need.


Ignacio Larrañaga, a Capuchin priest, writer and evangelizer, who is considered by many a “modern day prophet” or a “21st century mystic” He is the founder of the Prayer and Life Workshops (PLW). His main labor has consisted of leaving, to the world, thousands of lay people prepared and dedicated to teaching deep and personal prayer, which allows a daily encounter with the Lord, in day by day, through a methodology that is entirely based on the experience of the Love of the Father and the wonders that He does in us.


At this moment we invite you to live an encounter with God during which you will feel unconditionally loved, understood, free of fears, anguish . . . being filled with peace, joy and trust . . . you will definitely be happy.

In order to live the depth of this experience of love we suggest that you follow these next steps:

1. Remain still and silent
2. Invoke the Holy Spirit to help you live this experience
3. Listen to God who speaks to you through his Word as a father speaks to his beloved child.
4. Respond to what God has said to you in his Word, with great trust and sincerity . . . tell him everything that flows from your heart at this moment.

Continue reading and we will help you to live each step.

Imagen: © Depositphotos.com/[yuliang11]

General news
Advent Retreat in Costa Rica
In Costa Rica a beautiful Retreat was imparted called Maternal Destiny open to the general public, in preparation for the Time of Advent. The theme was based in part on the book “The Silence of Mary,” Circular Letter No. 14, of Father Ignacio, and on the book “An Adventure in the Spirit,” by Father Camilo Luquin, which allowed all 45 participants to live and assume this with a true spirit.
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General news
Sending Forth of new Guides in Ecuador
There is great joy in the family of TOV/PLW in Quito, Ecuador, for the Sending Forth of four new Guides in the Betania, Local Coordination during the month of December.
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General news
Visit of the Europe Zone Team to Local Coordination of France
At the end of the month of November the Europe Zone Team visited the Local Coordination of France, starting with a long and honest conversation with the Local Team, where they were able to express their concerns, needs, and hopes for that Coordination.
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General news
Sending Forth Mass in Bogota, Colombia
In the National Coordination of Colombia-South East, 7 new Guides were sent to work in the harvest of our Lord and to bring his word to the many souls who thirst for his love.
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General news
New Guides in Bucaramanga, Colombia
In a very emotive ceremony a Sending Forth Mass was given for eight new Guides, at the Parish of San Agustin, in the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia. Various Guides of the local Coordinations, families and friends accompanied the new brothers and sisters who are prepared to bring fire to the people who are searching for God.
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General news
Day of Fraternal Sharing in Peru
The Guides of the National Coordinations Peru-North and Peru-South shared a weekend in a joyous spirit fulfilling Father Ignacio’s desire that the Guides meet and share through creative expression in an uncomplicated environment with lots of communication in what he called a Day of Fraternal Sharing.
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